Hardware and modular synths twisted and warped, then pushed to the brink by eccentric effects and madcap modulation.
AI Preset Generator – create unique, complex cinematic sounds in seconds.
Deep brooding drones, soaring leads, dreamy pads, filthy distortions, speaker-ripping subs, haunting fx, mind-melting arps and so much more!
Requires Kontakt 6.7.1 or above.
Hardware and modular synths twisted and warped, then pushed to the brink by eccentric effects and madcap modulation.
AI Preset Generator – create unique, complex cinematic sounds in seconds.
Deep brooding drones, soaring leads, dreamy pads, filthy distortions, speaker-ripping subs, haunting fx, mind-melting arps and so much more!
“A genuinely unique, powerful and otherworldly cinematic synth!”
Socora not only features 160 beautifully recorded modular, wavetable, string machine and analog sample patches, but it also features bespoke software that emulates the electro-organic nature of the original synthesisers. In other words, it’s a playable software synth you could easily mistake for a hardware colossus! When you add Socora’s effects and motion engine to these hyper-realistic sounds, your listeners are sonically transported to dazzling futuristic worlds, desolate post-apocalyptic landscapes, jaunts among the stars and beyond.
Some say AI will “take over the world and destroy all humans”. I’m pleased to report that Socora’s AI doesn’t have that ambition. However, it is happy to whip up vast numbers of unique and rather tasty cinematic sounds. The process is simple – click a few buttons to indicate your sonic preferences, press GENERATE, and hey-presto, the AI has created a batch of presets for you to review. These generated presets are yours! Do with them what you will. Use them in your music, share them online or sell them as preset packs. It’s all fine by us!
Setting up pro-sounding multi-fx chains can be complex and time-consuming. We not only wanted to untangle and simplify this process, but we also wanted you to have the option to push your sound into the realm of weird, wonky and wonderful. So, we created a SINGLE CONTROL that, as you increase, multiple effect parameters shift and intensify. It doesn’t just make programming fx very simple, but when a little modulation is applied, a world of ‘morphing and mangled fx’ opens up – and that’s where the sonic mischief really begins!
We have never been a huge fan of software filters. To us, they lack the solidity and weight of their hardware counterparts. We found a missing ingredient, a little trick that got our low-cut, high-cut and multi-mode filters sounding more like the real thing. They are smooth, phat and bring a little more ‘hardware sound’ to software synthesis.
Socora houses a fairly substantial arpeggiator. It features a sixty-four-step sequencer alongside controls for speed, gate, glide, octave adder, ping-pong panner, note repeat and swing. You have several options for note direction and the ability to create rhythmical chord patterns. You can also load, save, copy, paste and randomise the arpeggiator’s settings. This all may sound a little daunting, but in reality, you switch on the arp and before you know it, notes fly around your speakers like fireflies in a jar.
One of our favourite features is our variable ‘analog emulation control’. It destabilises several of Socora’s systems to emulate ageing analog circuitry. At its lowest level, Socora sounds like any other software library. As the control is raised, the library gradually sounds like a hardware synth in good working order. As the control is raised further, back in time we go – from a classic vintage synth to ‘that synth is broken and needs a service!’
We love it when sound moves, sweeps and twists, so we created a wave-based motion engine that acts like a user-programmable LFO. You not only have the option to manually draw your waveforms (then target one of thirty effects and systems), but you can also choose from a list of presets or computer generated waveforms. Setting up our Motion Engine is a breeze, however, if you don’t have the time or inclination, Socora’s AI can do it for you. Complex modulation has never been so easy!
“A genuinely unique, powerful and otherworldly cinematic synth!”
Socora not only features 160 beautifully recorded modular, wavetable, string machine and analog sample patches, but it also features bespoke software that emulates the electro-organic nature of the original synthesisers. In other words, it’s a playable software synth you could easily mistake for a hardware colossus! When you add Socora’s effects and motion engine to these hyper-realistic sounds, your listeners are sonically transported to dazzling futuristic worlds, desolate post-apocalyptic landscapes, jaunts among the stars and beyond.
Some say AI will “take over the world and destroy all humans”. I’m pleased to report that Socora’s AI doesn’t have that ambition. However, it is happy to whip up vast numbers of unique and rather tasty cinematic sounds. The process is simple – click a few buttons to indicate your sonic preferences, press GENERATE, and hey-presto, the AI has created a batch of presets for you to review. These generated presets are yours! Do with them what you will. Use them in your music, share them online or sell them as preset packs. It’s all fine by us!
Setting up pro-sounding multi-fx chains can be complex and time-consuming. We not only wanted to untangle and simplify this process, but we also wanted you to have the option to push your sound into the realm of weird, wonky and wonderful. So, we created a SINGLE CONTROL that, as you increase, multiple effect parameters shift and intensify. It doesn’t just make programming fx very simple, but when a little modulation is applied, a world of ‘morphing and mangled fx’ opens up – and that’s where the sonic mischief really begins!
We have never been a huge fan of software filters. To us, they lack the solidity and weight of their hardware counterparts. We found a missing ingredient, a little trick that got our low-cut, high-cut and multi-mode filters sounding more like the real thing. They are smooth, phat and bring a little more ‘hardware sound’ to software synthesis.
Socora houses a fairly substantial arpeggiator. It features a sixty-four-step sequencer alongside controls for speed, gate, glide, octave adder, ping-pong panner, note repeat and swing. You have several options for note direction and the ability to create rhythmical chord patterns. You can also load, save, copy, paste and randomise the arpeggiator’s settings. This all may sound a little daunting, but in reality, you switch on the arp and before you know it, notes fly around your speakers like fireflies in a jar.
One of our favourite features is our variable ‘analog emulation control’. It destabilises several of Socora’s systems to emulate ageing analog circuitry. At its lowest level, Socora sounds like any other software library. As the control is raised, the library gradually sounds like a hardware synth in good working order. As the control is raised further, back in time we go – from a classic vintage synth to ‘that synth is broken and needs a service!’
We love it when sound moves, sweeps and twists, so we created a wave-based motion engine that acts like a user-programmable LFO. You not only have the option to manually draw your waveforms (then target one of thirty effects and systems), but you can also choose from a list of presets or computer generated waveforms. Setting up our Motion Engine is a breeze, however, if you don’t have the time or inclination, Socora’s AI can do it for you. Complex modulation has never been so easy!
You’re not simply buying a cinematic synth; Socora is more like an ever-expanding ‘synthesiser platform’. We have several updates planned, and when they are completed, they will be free to download.
NEXT PLANNED UPDATE: Advanced drag and drop – import a sample into Socora and transform it into a multi-sampled sounding instrument.
Genre: Cinematic, sci-fi, dystopian, horror, cyberpunk, industrial, electronic music and more.
Requires: Kontakt (FULL version 6.7.1 or above). This library does not run in Kontakt Player.
Upgradable: Yes (with DarkSkyAudio library updates and 3rd party preset packs).
Layers: 2 (two primary oscillators and two secondary noise/sub bass/transient layers).
Sounds: TBA.
Special Features: Mono mode, poly glide, arpeggiator with glide, instability control, presets for filter, envelope & setup, input quantise, +/- 3oct pitch bend.
Effects: Ai presets generator, wave-based motion engine, single control morphing effects, LFOs, mono mode, poly glide, aftertouch, arpeggiator (with glide), EQ, instability control, multi-mode filter (with filter presets), envelope & setup, input quantise, +/- 3oct pitch bend, and more!
Library Size: TBA.
Beat Magazine
February 2023 Issue
Thomas Berdinski
Jonathan Bougie-Lauzon (MUM)
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